Julien Duchesne
Oct 2017 – Present | Tooling Software Developer
- › Development of deployment tools that enable teams to interact easily and efficiently with Amazon Web Services, Kubernetes and Terraform
- › Development and maintenance/support of a full deployment pipeline written in Django/Python allowing autonomous teams of developers to send their product from the development environment up to production while respecting strict contractual and security compliance engagements. It is, these days, running around 200 deployments per day. It interacts with Spinnaker, Jenkins, Kubernetes and others to accomplish this
- › Development and maintenance of over a dozen Python lambdas of various complexity to support developer workflows. Some of those lambdas are also critical in the production environment
- › Team's de-facto open-source expert. Called upon when contributions need to be made or help is needed to make pull requests go through. Contributions in repositories such as terraform-provider-aws, snyk, amazon-ecs-agent
May 2015 – Oct 2017 | Web Developer (Focused on DevOps)
- › Orchestrated a migration of the entire solution from on-premises servers to Amazon Web Services
- › Migrated all of the code repositories from Bazaar SCM to Git. Deployed and maintained an instance of GitLab to promote good software engineering practices
- › Created a graphical irrigation planning system with D3.js backed with a C# ASP.NET REST API
- › Configured and maintained the build/deployment jobs on Jetbrains Teamcity
May 2014 – Sep 2014 | Software Development Intern
Université Laval (Québec City)
- › 2012 – 2015 | Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering
- › 2014 - 2015 | Teaching assistant for the degree's networking class
Used on a daily basis. The backend for our deployment pipeline is a Django Rest Framework API
- Django/DRF
- Typing/Mypy
- pylint
- black
Amazon Web Services
Both of the companies I've worked at have products deployed in AWS. I helped migrate the first company's platform to the cloud and the second one has been using AWS since 2010, so I have a wide breadth of experience with both light and heavy users
Used on a daily basis. I have contributed to many Terraform providers to date and I maintain a few internal tools to better interact with Terraform
Runs all deployment tools that interact with Terraform/Kubernetes at Coveo.
Other skills/technologies
- Git
- Linux
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Jenkins
- Spinnaker
- C#/Java/Modern OO Languages
- Hugo/Jekyll/Static Generators
- Communication
- Empathy