
Here are some (non-work related and fun) projects that I sometimes work on in my limited spare time

Mastermind Phaser

A fun departure from the usual DevOps/Golang/Python/Backend stuff I do at work. I set out to learn how to use the Phaser Javascript game framework. I improved my knowledge about a lot of things doing this:

  • Phaser
  • Jest Test Framework
  • ESLint
  • The Mastermind game itself

Github Repository

Mastermind Phaser

Code Challenges

An embarrassingly complex showcase of challenge solutions. This serves as a playground to try out new languages. A new group of challenges can be added by adding a new independent module (microservice), it can therefore be implemented in any language

Github Repository

Current modules:

  • Cursive TUI (Text-based UI) frontend TUI
  • Rocket API with (bad) React frontend React
  • Advent of Code 2020 solved with Rust (Directly called from the API)
  • Advent of Code 2019 solved with Go (Served to the main API through a REST API)
  • Advent of Code 2018 solved with Bash (Served to the main API through a REST API)